Alan Davie. Recent Paintings and Gouaches

22 October - 11 November 2003



Alan Davie
At James Hyman Gallery

"The distinguished Scottish painter and jazz musician Alan Davie held his first solo exhibition in 1950, and by the end of the decade had achieved an international reputation. He is now 83, but his paintings are still vibrant with life and quirky originality. Davie believes in an international pictorial language springing from the collective unconscious, and his works are an exotic mixture of signs and symbols drawn from his own imagination and folk or tribal art worldwide. There are echoes from Caribbean, African, Oceanic and ancient Celtic art, with Surrealist elements stirred into the mix. The result is as complex as an oriental carpet or jewel-encrusted embroidery. Prices range from £2000 for small oils to £22,000 for large oils."

Where to buy The Week reviews an exhibition in a private gallery